Preventing and Managing Team Conflict - 11th June 2025
Preventing and Managing Team Conflict - 11th June 2025
There are countless challenges facing school leaders but dealing with internal team conflict and disharmony can be the greatest barrier to achieving success together. While there’s no way to completely avoid disagreements within a team environment, there are ways to reduce the likelihood of conflict.
This online course explores the factors that drive team conflict in schools and the skills required to effectively intervene and facilitate positive outcomes.
Even the best school leaders can’t make everyone in their team get along all the time. But you can increase the likelihood of success — by setting the right conditions. A skilful school leader with good conflict resolution skills can successfully resolve tense workplace situations in a way that leaves all team members feeling heard, respected, and motivated. The ultimate outcome is enhancing collective efficacy: buying into the shared belief that the team has the ability to achieve their common goals and overcome challenges together.
This convenient 3hr online workshop will focus on the following outcomes:
What are the characteristics of high performing teams?
Techniques for resolving team conflict
Using the Forming Storming Model to lift your team’s performance
How to increase cooperation and support
How to handle disengaged team members
Using the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model
How to work out your team’s individual strengths and weaknesses
Course start-finish times (by region/ timezone)
9.30am - 12.30pm NSW, VIC, TAS, QLD
9.00am - 12.00pm NT, SA
7.30am - 10.30am WA
11.30pm - 2.30pm New Zealand
8.30am - 11.30am Japan, South Korea
7.30am - 10.30am China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia (WITA), Phillipines, Brunei
6.30am - 9.30am Indonesia (WIB), Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos
Register for this course if you are a Principal, Deputy, Senior/ Middle/ Administrative Leader or Teacher and want to create and maintain a positive and productive team culture.
Nb. If you would like to request an invoice for your school/ company to pay the registration fee for this course, please email us @
This course is proudly co-presented with Guy Williams.
Guy is an industry guru in educational leadership training and has worked with schools across Australia for over 20 years. He is the owner/ director of the Training Guys company and has worked extensively with a range of leading schools, including Barker College, Kambala, Knox Grammar and Brisbane Boys’ College. His corporate clients also include ING Direct, BMW, Ausgrid and Electrolux. His expertise is in supporting senior and middle-management staff to develop the skills and confidence so that their teams can be more cohesive, engaged and more productive.
Guy’s training sessions draw on both his teaching and corporate experiences and his presentation style is dynamic, engaging and highly entertaining.
If you would like to request an invoice for your school/ company to pay the registration fee for this course, please email us @
All course prices are exclusive of GST.